Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Me and my 5 senses.

Woo.. i have never felt better then today! Haha.. I think that i should really stay from all the negative people in live and just be with people i want to be. Its like today, i just did some stuffs on my own and was very happy..haha.. i don't know why.

I think its cos, sometimes i hate the stuffs that people say and do and would rather keep to myself for that purpose.. As in like seriously, sometimes people say things they don't know hurts and i know i myself have done it myself. =P

Anyways, i was talking to best friend just now and came to a conclusion. From now on, if i do not like anything or anyone i would just say it out Ok?..haha.. I think its best for me and the other person la. No point beating around the bush. No more Mr Nice Guy. I've been saying that quite a while.. i know some people have realise a change in me.. well its cos i'm not "blind" no more.. ;)

I have also been getting some comments from friends that i'm being a little weird and random with my topic tittle and post. I think its me and i don't want to change it.

1 comment:

Arvind Gawade said...

Try as hard as you can about not caring about what people think about you but at the end of the day you still do. Your constant rants about it is a reflection that you are insecure about it.No point bursting out in public that u dun care what others think its a psychological act of protecting yourself with an invisible shield.